
In my last post I wrote about the book Reached.  There is a picture of the book in all its glory.  It seems that the hardback book just appears with its magic written in hundreds of pages.  I have been with Ally as she talks about her books and in personal conversations about how she writes as a young mom.  Needless to say it is NOT easy for her.  But yet she does it and is able to see great results.   Many of us who write in journals, on blogs, or face book experience some kind of gratification.  Our voice is heard.   How many of us just want to be heard?  But yet we refrain because we are afraid of what people are going to think.
Writing is very personal and can be very devastating if it is not liked or agreed with.  I received a negative comment on this blog once and wasn't sure exactly how to respond.  I had to recognize the source and realize that some people are just idiots.  If you would have read it, you would of agreed.  The comment was on this post about pornography.  Which by the way, this post gets the most hits and it disturbs me.  I am grateful to those who are willing to share thoughts, ideas, and personal stories about their lives.  I follow a few blogs and learn to like the writers and feel like I know them through their writing.  The writers really give of themselves, which I think is brave.

Last May I took my kids to the St. George Temple Grounds to celebrate the first day of summer. I gave them each a notebook and pencil and encouraged them to draw or write whatever they felt like.  Some liked it more than others and I really don't know if they remember doing it.  But it was a good idea for me to do with my kids. 


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